"The NATURE SiTe"RN's "Linking to Nature" |
internet keyword: The NATURE SiTeRN El Cardon cacti, Baja California, Mexico |
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IF you would like to be a content editor, setup and maintian a category on "The NATURE SiTe" or any of the related sites contact us with your interests |
The links on the pages below were personally selected and/or reviewed.
Either from myself, or one of the other "The NATURE SiTe"RN
editor's travels on the net, or from the recommendations, after review, of links added to the
free list to the left. You are encouraged to add yours to the free list, so it can
be reviewed and added below.
Birds and Birding |
Also available for an annual fee are URL forwarding
accounts. These are accounts where your web page address can be
www.nature.st/AlaskaBirds/ or NJ.waterfalls.ws and still
keep your current web hosting service. When ever someone enters your
address it automatically forwards to your current (maybe something long and
hard to remeber such as www.internetprovider/longservcename/~youraccount_name . Web page and site hosting is also available. These services are available for most of the domains listed to the right. |
Generally the .st1 domain has become known as the "SiTe" top level domain, and
.ws2 has become known as "the World Site" top level domain.
"The NATURE SiTe" home at www.Nature.st
"The BIRD SiTe" home at www.Birds.st |
All photographs and text on this site Copyright © 2000 by C.Kling, except as otherwise noted |